We can’t take credit for what the bees have been making for 10,000 years. But we feel lucky to live in the area that makes the best honey you will ever eat on a biscuit!
Northern Michigan is unique in providing the flower source of Star Thistle, Basswood and Clover; just the right combination for the bees to make a very light and flavorful nectar.
Our story began 40 years ago when owner Wes Allen bought two beehives from a beekeeper in Lower Michigan for his parents who wanted to make some honey for the family. His mother’s family were well known beekeepers in Ailsa Craig, Ontario, Canada, where the family owned and operated more than 400 beehives, producing large amounts of Honey Butter and Comb Honey for over 100 years.
Keeping with tradition, the business was named Sweet Blossom Honey, in honor of Wes’ great-uncle Frank’s first business in Canada. In the early years, Wes helped another local beekeeper pull their honey and extract, since Sweet Blossom Honey didn’t have a honey house or the means to extract the honey at the time. This was so he could use their facility after they were done for the season. This went on for several years while Wes slowly added beehives over time until Sweet Blossom Honey built its own honey house in the 1980s. Since then we continue to make improvements to the honey house and equipment. Today, Wes manages more than 200 beehives throughout Northern and Lower Michigan, and the Upper Peninsula year round.
Keeping bees in the north is very unforgiving; Mother Nature is always changing conditions from very hot and dry weather in the summer to extreme cold weather in the winter. We keep busy treating for pests, dealing with the natural wildlife, like bear and skunk, tending to swarms and protecting the hives from pesticides placed on other crops. We do not pasteurize our honey; instead we leave it raw or unheated from the hives. This way it holds all the natural sweet goodness that honey was intended to be. We invite you to take a taste test for yourself.
Save The Bees!
We can’t take credit for what the bees have been making for 10,000 years. But we feel lucky to live in the area that makes the best honey you will ever eat on a biscuit!
Northern Michigan is unique in providing the flower source of Star Thistle, Basswood and Clover; just the right combination for the bees to make a very light and flavorful nectar.
Our story began 40 years ago when owner Wes Allen bought two beehives from a beekeeper in Lower Michigan for his parents who wanted to make some honey for the family. His mother’s family were well known beekeepers in Ailsa Craig, Ontario, Canada, where the family owned and operated more than 400 beehives, producing large amounts of Honey Butter and Comb Honey for over 100 years.
Keeping with tradition, the business was named Sweet Blossom Honey, in honor of Wes’ great-uncle Frank’s first business in Canada. In the early years, Wes helped another local beekeeper pull their honey and extract, since Sweet Blossom Honey didn’t have a honey house or the means to extract the honey at the time. This was so he could use their facility after they were done for the season. This went on for several years while Wes slowly added beehives over time until Sweet Blossom Honey built its own honey house in the 1980s. Since then we continue to make improvements to the honey house and equipment. Today, Wes manages more than 200 beehives throughout Northern and Lower Michigan, and the Upper Peninsula year round.
Keeping bees in the north is very unforgiving; Mother Nature is always changing conditions from very hot and dry weather in the summer to extreme cold weather in the winter. We keep busy treating for pests, dealing with the natural wildlife, like bear and skunk, tending to swarms and protecting the hives from pesticides placed on other crops. We do not pasteurize our honey; instead we leave it raw or unheated from the hives. This way it holds all the natural sweet goodness that honey was intended to be. We invite you to take a taste test for yourself.
Save The Bees!